CD Player: Playing Badminton is So Much Fun!

I am a CD,
Every time ready!

CD player having fun playing with racket and ball over high net in badminton court: cartoons by sneha
CD Player!
Illustration:When a CD turned player! It is always so much fun to be in badminton court and hold that racket to play!

CD Player in Badminton Court

To take you to musical world,
With your favorite tracks that are cult!

I own some memory, which you call space!
When I am on my job,
I run and enjoy the race!

I choose to turn a player,
When I feel tired and boring!
Two matches are enough for me,
And I get ready for soaring!

I am not an alien, just a bit rare!
I am found in many houses!
My name is CD Player!

Cartoon Concept: Fun Story

Humans play CD in CD Player and have fun by listening to its music. Have you ever thought how CDs have fun? They do by turning players, badminton players. After all, they also need some entertainment like us after their boring, tedious schedules of spinning.


Cartoon, CD Player, CD Cartoon, CD, Cartoons, Badminton cartoon, Badminton, Badminton Court, Cartoon Punch, Badminton Player, Cartoons Punch, badminton ground, Cartoon illustration, CDplayer, fun cartoon, funny cartoons

About Cartoon Image: Original File Details

Category: Fun Cartoon
Day and Date of Publishing: Friday, November 11, 2016
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 59.9 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG

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