
When a morning turns to evening,
Drawing all my attention bit by bit!
When the texture of sky weaves new colors in it,
And the God proves why he is known for his sharp wit!

Milestone cartoon illustration by sneha: A stone showing km beside a long swirl road!
Illustration: A milestone beside a long street with swirls!

Milestone of Life!

I took my chair to lawn and adore the beauty of nature,
Soon that sky takes the threads of my thoughts into its weaving,
And I find it making so many sculptures!

I try to untangle those threads,
For understanding the mysteries of life!
The more I sort them, they seem to be more messed; oh it’s so rife!

Every thread tangles at the same spot!
That is where I stuck, after a storm of thoughts!
Just one question remains in existence,
After the endless job!
Though that one is enough to push me towards the riot!

Each day I ask to myself, sometimes once, sometimes thrice!
What is the real milestone of my life?

Is it when my professional projects go into orbit?
Or when I learn to not loose hopes and never quit?

Is it when I got a car and bungalow to use and flaunt?
Or when I learned to take my decisions on my own?

Is it when I set a goal and successfully achieve?
Or when I learned to relish a toothsome dish in grieve?

While trying hard to crack this huge mountain of one riddle,
Suddenly my mobile rings, shifting my attention towards the jingle!

As soon as I complete the conversation and hang up,
I realize it’s dark out and an hour had passed since I hooked up!

Everyday this hour, when I get some free time,
Passes the same way, leaving me behind!

The time runs, but I find myself at the same place,
With growing age and struggling for maintaining the grace!

Next day, the same fussy riddle knocks the door again!
I also do the same. I brainstorm, assuming it a task that is due,
Though every day I fail to find my milestone,
And get back to life without getting a clue!

The birds move towards their home to meet their children!
Making me realize…
I was, I am and I will remain a surviving veteran!


Milestone of life, milestone cartoon, poem on milestone, milestone poetry, milestone Cartoon Punch, Cartoon illustration of milestone on road, street milestone, road illustration, street swirls illustration, landscape with long swirly road

About Cartoon Image: Original File Details

Day and Date of Publishing: Wednesday, February 08, 2017
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 41.9 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG

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